Option to mark Restricted Access Tickets
I wish there was a way that I could create a ticket/customer and only have it see-able from my account (Global Admin) and the assigned tech. We get a lot of customers that are scammed online and are very hesitant at giving any personal information even when I tell them it's only view-able from our tech's.
Certain clients (Companies, doctors, etc) have confidential work orders that are always assigned to the same tech to ensure data is as secure as possible. This can cause several issues, when the tech wants/needs to remember details but can't write notes that are viewable to other users (Data Recovery files that were recovered, or passwords needed to log in).
Maybe have it set at user group level access. Normal tech's would just get a restricted access error or a popup stating they needed additional access, but the assigned tech could view and update like normal.
Another idea would be to have the Ticket/Customer have a four digit pin to unlock details, or a way to mark a specific ticket comment as restricted so only they and I could see it.