Ability to download cash register data (z-reports) to CSV
There are 2 major issues with the z-reports when trying to manage the bookkeeping side of the Cash Register, and it would be much appreciated if you could address them:
The information/data from the daily z-reports are not downloadable into a usable CSV file
There is nothing in the z-report that compares the previous day’s closing balance with the next day's opening balance, so there are no red flags (variances) on the z-reports if there is a discrepancy between days.
Number 1 above:
Because the daily report is essentially a printable receipt, every piece of information (sales, refunds, balances, etc.) has to be manually transferred/entered to a spreadsheet (or other accounting program) in order to do any kind of bookkeeping with it. Further, each register has its own pdf z-report for each day, and each pdf report has to be manually opened and/or printed to get the information. This is extremely time-consuming, and there is a greater chance of human errors occurring while copying the information from the z-report into an accounting/bookkeeping system. The information on the z-report should be downloadable, with the option to select a date range, as well as the option to either consolidate the data ($) from all registers or download the data ($) from each register separately.
Number 2 above:
If the z-report doesn’t compare the opening balance from the previous day’s closing balance, there is no continuity, and not much point in tracking opening/closing cash balances within RepairShopr.