Auto-populate default tax rate
Please consider adding the option to auto-populate default tax rate when creating a new customer.

Josh K commented
Our city recently changed tax rates and when making a new customer the tax rate defaults to the old tax rate. We need an option to default to the current tax rate based on store location.
burt commented
Count me in for wanting this too... I'm a new user and it defies logic that the "Default" rate isn't "Defaulted" as the "Default" Entry.
Adam Fischer commented
Sales Tax rate based on Customer / Work Location is an absolute must feature now, at least for those of us operating in the State of California.
There are 88 different cities in Los Angeles County alone! Imagine having to track, allocate, escrow, and then pay & file sales tax to that many different imagine having to do this *alongside* but not within Repairshopr.
Colin P commented
Yes this would be handy and help make adding a new customer fool proof.
Paul Schwegler commented
My area has recently implemented a very complicated local option tax that is going to require us to be diligent in the correct selection of our tax rates for our customers. I would really like that it is required to choose a tax rate before creating a customer. It would be REALLY cool to be able to automate the rate selection based on the location of the work as well as the city and county that the address lookup provides, but that is probably asking too much!
Anonymous commented
Totally agree - or at least provide the ability to make it a required field.