Link ticket number to Purchase order item - similar to parts order
I would like to pull up my purchase order and view the list of parts ordered and see the ticket number the part was backorderd to. Currently when I receive the purchase order I cannot see if the part was orderd to fill low inventory or specifically to fill a ticket repair
Bert Rolston commented
I agree with all that's been written.
My situation is very similar to Nick's -
Lisa commented
I agree with Rob!
Rob commented
Agreed with Nick, but Part Orders bring extra confusion to the whole grand scheme of things.
I imagine many RS customers rely on part orders, but they really should be eliminated and converted into the PO system. Then you should be able to create a PO from a ticket as well as link specific items from a PO to particular tickets. Implement some type of non-inventory generic part into POs to fill the need for one offs. We just have "hardware custom" and "software custom" line items to fill that gap.
This would then remove the problem of creating an estimate, having a part order, then generating the invoice from the estimate leaving the part orders waiting to be added to the invoice as well. It's clunky, and we either have to delete the line items that come over from the estimate and then add the part orders, or delete the part orders entirely.
No matter what, though, it would be extremely helpful to have POs linked to the ticket in some way which would allow us to be notified that a ticket now has the parts it has been waiting on.
Nick commented
Looks like this was suggested 2 years ago now, but no action, or even a response has been given.
This feature would be super helpful, as currently only part orders can be associated with a ticket. This is confusing if you need to order an inventory item for a specific ticket, that isn't usually stocked.
Ben commented
I agree! Would be very helpful
Bethany commented
Yes It would be helpful to link the 2