Training & help using the features in RSr
Three are so many cool things we think we could do in RSr. But as a new company, RSr, a lot of these things are still a bit "scriptie" needing some special tweaking that isn't always very easy to find. Documentation is always hard to keep up with so there is often no documentation or it isn’t current etc.
We’d like better phone support and or training to use some of these things. We’d love to use Marketr more but can't figure out how to get it to do the things we need.
IWe’d love to create custom email teammates based on custom appointment types, but it isn't exactly clear what needs to be done. And so many more cool things that could be done.
As the owner I have other businesses to run and am not always in the office. Everyone comes to me to figure this all out so the burden of these projects is almost always mine which is hard because I’m not always there, then when I dig in to these requests from my staff and sent email requests for help I get emailed back that we ask to many questions. I personally haven’t gotten a response from you in months on any questions I’ve sent in. If you want people to use all the cool things you're building they need real live phone support to call and schedule getting things tweaked.
Consider offering some training sessions in a few cities, NY, MPLS, Denver, etc. I'd love to say Vagus but now of us would get anything
We need training, Better Documentation and phone support to make it easier to use these tools to there potential.