PROPER Payments Report with FILTERS for Location, Date Range, and Payment Type
Are we the only ones who believe /payments/ is NOT a report? We need a fully functional report much like the Gateway Reconciliation report, but which shows ALL payment types, including Cash, Checks, Credit Cards, and other custom payment types.
Ideally it would have filters for individual (or multiple) locations, date periods (including custom ranges), and individual (or all) payment types.
Currently, the "Payments report" in /reports/ just links you to /payments/, which is almost completely useless from an auditing and reconciling standpoint.
Halp plz!

Ryan (CTO, Pinellas Computers) commented
Realized the "Daily Payments Report" actually does most of this, just lacking the ability to filter by payment type, and the 'grand total' (by payment method) at the bottom. RS said they are updating to resolve this soon, so I'm considering this tentatively closed since we were able to get the info we needed and it will be easier soon. Thanks!
Chuckles (Instigator, RS User) commented
Yes yes and yes!