AUTOMATE Special-Ordered Items into LOGISTICS upon Line Item Creation on INVOICES
Right now, if you estimate a line item that has to be special-ordered (a manual line item), once you convert that Estimate to an Invoice, these are the steps that must be made, in order:
- You must MANUALLY create a new Logistics entry.
- You then DUPLICATE the description, cost, and price from the Estimate, into the Logistics entry.
- You next SEARCH for the ticket in a big list, and link the Logistics entry to said Ticket.
- Finally, the Logistics charge shows as a Pending Ticket Charge, which must be added to an invoice (ie. the invoice created from the estimate conversion).
Proposed Solution:
Create a category called "Special-Order" to have built-in functionality like "Desposits". Adding anything to an Invoice (or upon Estimate conversion to Invoice) would AUTOMATICALLY create a Logistics entry with the description/cost/price/location referenced in the manual line item, and would AUTOMATICALLY link that Logistics entry to the ticket.
The pending ticket charge would NOT need to be created, since the charge is already added to the invoice. This saves the step of creating the duplicate information in Logistics, AND having to add the pending ticket charge to an Invoice; which was why it was created on in the first place! Once the Special-Order part arrives, you would simply Complete the Logistics order and it would clear from the Logistics list.
The most IMPORTANT reason for wanting to automate this is for returns. If a Special-Order line item gets removed from a ticket/invoice, it should AUTOMATICALLY return to the Logistics section - so it can be sorted to RMA or Refund. This is the only way we could ensure Special-Order parts are always billed OR credited, and don't end up just being deleted/lost/forfeited.

Ryan (CTO, Pinellas Computers) commented
Implementing the solution would illuminate a worksheet we currently have requiring seven steps to be completed by technicians, every time.
Ryan (CTO, Pinellas Computers) commented
Oh, I forgot step #5 in the current process: You must REMOVE the line item on the original Estimate, since the new pending charge from Logistics is a DUPLICATE line item.