Make Cost reflect refurbishing cost(s)
Our company is grateful for the refurb addition that has been made to the RepairShopr system. We use the system to prep broken devices for sale. These items are bought from a Vendor like other inventory items and then are refurbished and prepared to be sold. The problem we are facing is that there is no way to produce a report or .CSV or any kind of documentation that reflects the true cost of the Item after the refurb.
We have thought of two ways to overcome the problem but there are certainly ways to improve this system.
Our work arounds:
1. Import: Enter the items into the Purchase Orders module Manually, which is a lengthy process because of different phone models, colors, sizes, and price points; each of which requires their own line. Then, add in the serial numbers and receive.
2. Refurbishing: Physically refurbish the devices and log the parts used during refurbishment using the Refurb Module.
3. Export: Go to every single product page and copy out the 'Product Instances' table manually, and delete duplicates, and previous instances, etc. to make a .CSV that can be sent on to the wholesaling department.
- Using APIs, create a mass amount of items, with the serial number as the Name, product info (Make, Model, Color, Size) in the description, while setting the quantity and reorder levels at 0 and the desired stock level at 1.
- Click the 'Add all low stock items from this Vendor' in our PO. Recieve the devices and enter the IMEI in the serials.
- Refurb the devices and log the refurb.
- Using APIs, change the 'desired stock level' for all items back to 0.
- Manually, click through each products page and scroll down to retrieve the cost prices.
As you can see, both of our work arounds lead up to retrieving the true cost by manually going to each product page. We need a solution to help us retrieve these costs faster.
I believe this can be done be several means:
- Have an API endpoint on the Product Serials page.
With this we can download a .CSV from our PO, and have an application navigate to the correct product serial pages (using product_ids) and withdraw the table of serials and costs. Yes, this will contain Items that have been sold, deleted, trashed and more but we still have all the items we need in one place. We can simply sort by status and get what we need.
Make refurbishing reflect cost prices. At this time, the system automatically adjusts the cost prices based on values entered on Purchase Orders. This is wonderful, but the system does not make any changes when the item is refurbished.
With this, we would create a new item for each device, with the serial number as the name. After the refurbishment is completed, we would simply search for the products we need, say "X2" for all products with a name starting with X2 (X2000 - X2999) and download the .CSV, with the costs being the true cost after the refurb.
When searching for products using GET through APIs, we are able to use 'sku' and 'query' parameters. When a valid serial number is passed through the query parameter, the information regarding the according 'product' is retrieved. It would be better if the information regarding this serial was given out. Meaning that the information about the product would all be there because the serial is indeed an instance of that product, BUT qualities of the serial which are indeed given to that particular serial, like retail and costs prices, will be displayed, overriding the regular cost price of the product.
-Using APIs, we can simply search for all the serials in one order, and Viola!
Overall, I'd like to say that the Refurb and Serial Number additions are really great but more work needs to be done to truly incorporate them into a business system.