Ticket list should sort by customer name
When viewing a list of tickets it would be nice if you could sort by customer name like you can any of the other fields. The way it works now when you click on the "Customer" heading it does do a sort, but there's no apparent rhyme or reason to how it's sorted.
I had to ask tech support and was told it is sorting by customer ID, which is an number that can only be found by running an export of your customer list, and it's not a number that can be changed.
It seems reasonable to me that if you've got a big list of tickets, then sorting by customer name would be a basic need. I get that it may be too hard to change the code at this point. If you're not going to change it to work the way the user expects it to work, then how about removing the hyperlink from the Customer heading so we're not banging our head against the wall trying to figure it out then bugging your support team?