Make all phone number types available for templates
Right now, we're able to collect and store all sorts of phone numbers for customers, but it's only possible to include {{customerphone}} and {{customermobile}} in the ticket or invoice templates. I'd like to be able to stick the shortcodes for each number type in my template, and then, as long as there's a number in the field, that number will be displayed. Ideally, if a particular field is blank, the shortcode would simply leave the space empty or maybe return a "n/a" or "null" if necessary.
I see this as more beneficial for in-shop/behind the scenes use (i.e. tickets more so than invoices), but it would be immensely handy to be able to pull up the full list of contact info simply by glancing at the ticket sheet.
To be honest, this feels more like an oversight during the implementation of the phone number options than something that needs to be suggested, but this is the advice I was given after contacting support.