Hide individual part prices in estimates and invoices.
In estimates and invoices, I would like to see the option of hiding individual part prices. The reason for this is if we are building a custom PC for someone - we are selling the complete machine, not individual parts. The only price I want them to see is the final/complete amount. We offer a bundle discount when someone is purchasing a computer and having the part prices visible negates that.

Brendon Nilsen commented
It would be great if this feature was available, even just a 'hide' tick-box against each line item on the invoice could hide it from the printout/pdf view, but still be on the invoice and visible for staff in Repairshopr.
Kevin Henry commented
I am new to RS- The system I am switching from for 20 years has this feature. We make the first line "System Package Price" and enter the total. The inventory items below are zero. We know our margins. I am surprised that this feature has not been added. It will be hard for us to operate any other way. Thank you for addressing.
Stephen McDonald commented
Is this something that could possibly come back?
mike commented
This is a great idea. We used to have this in our previous estimating software.