Device Repair Widget Changes!
So, i really love the device repair widget, it does almost everything I wanted to integrate into my website for lead generations.
However, the flaws i've found with it, is the customize ability with the general settings of the widget itself. ( Type, model, color, network, issue)
If you would integrate the ability to edit these catagories, the widget would be absolutely perfect. I want to remove the "color" option or at least change it, to something else that better suits what I am looking for in my lead generation. I feel the "color" aspect is fairly useless. I would love it if they could choose their type "laptop" their model " asus / dell / hp /etc" and then the specific model of the brand. AKA if they choose Asus, they can then choose from their model #, to be more specific. So that i can address their issues more easily.
The same with network, i have it set for their Operating system as a choice, because it somewhat goes with the "network" word itself, but I would love to be able to customize it.
LASTLY! With the Issue option at the end. I would love to be able to have them select MORE than just ONE option. Because when it comes to issues, sometimes you have more than one. EXAMPLE: Overheating AND Viruses / malware. Instead of just being able to bring it down to just ONE issue, i would love to know ALL of their issues.
Other than that, the widget is great, and a really good integration for my website. Please take these ideas into consideration, and i believe they could be fairly easy to incorporate given your abilities you provide to me to customize ALL my other widgets.
Many thanks,

rob21 commented
This would be an absolutely killer feature IF it were fully customisable. Our workflow would improve dramatically and our customer interaction would receive a huge boost.
Stan Young commented
Great explanation, this would be such a great feature if they would PLEASE update it.
Anonymous commented
Agreed. And while you are at it, I don't understand the "Return to App" button. I'd like to have that gone.
Alex commented
Dito. It's 1 of the two negatives I have seen so far. Could have a darn near perfect system with that fixed.
hooman commented
I second that.