Change intake form so client can read Disclaimer while I'm entering other data.
Here is how I am currently using RepairShopr:
Client comes in and I do the intake form: 1. I fill out their details as a customer 2. While I am getting information off of the devices, I give them a hardcopy / printout of the Intake form disclaimer on my letterhead to read while putting in their device info. 3. I then have them digitally sign the intake form and I keep the hardcopy/printout they read while I was putting things in.
Is there any way that I could do this better? I don't really want to make them fill out their client information. What I would like is for me to fill out the client information, while I am putting in the device information have them look at a second monitor (with a touchscreen) and they can view and sign the intake form disclaimer at the same time I'm still putting in device info.

CBauer commented
CCW Technology: I use the repairshopr ios app on a tablet to create new customer and ticket. The ticket setup on the app is NOT complete (missing customer fields assets etc). So basically I enter on the tablet (or have the customer enter) just the name and contact info then a subject for the ticket and the next screen is the disclaimer. While they read it in the app on the tablet I go in on my desktop and open the ticket and click Ticket Info Change to add all the details/assets/pretest stuff. When the customer is ready they touch the quill pen in the top right corner and sign on the screen and save. Then I print the intake form PDF from the desktop which has the signature on it digitally. This all works with one user ID just fine. The only issue is if you have a different disclaimer for different types of jobs (we have one for data erasure service and one for repairs). With the different disclaimers, if you make changes it actually creates new tickets and really turns into a mess!