Allow for unit price or rate five decimal places
For wire and pipe item/unit/rate amounts it is common to see these numbers: 1.31411 or 0.14327
For quantities over 20 feet or non-integers, 21.5 feet, the amounts come out incorrect, making the overall purchase order and resulting bill amount incorrect.
Try 45 feet at 1.31, then try 45 feet at 1.31411
add another item 45 feet at .14, then try 45 feet at .14327
add up the two columns and see the difference.
I propose allowing for up to five decimal places to the right on unit price.

Mike Balemi commented
Absolutely agree! We have a retail price which is .00115 including GST (tax). It get's rounded down to .01 effectively wiping out our GST for an invoice worth $1,873.37. We loose 244.35. The actual units are 162902 (Azure consumption). Ouch.
dprince commented
This would be great for our work flow. Sometimes when we have to order in bulk pricing we end up having to go several decimal places to get our per unit cost. With having the ability to sync to our quickbooks, having exact amounts is very important!
Jeff Clifton commented
Need this too. Some of our suppliers use 4 decimal places so my POs are off when it rounds .0257 to .03