Updates to Recurring Invoice Schedules
Just some minor ideas we'd like to see integrated into the recurring schedules model now that we're starting to heavily move into recurring revenue plans. These would be nice upgrades:
Allow us to set the schedule template defaults for fields like "Invoice Billing Terms" and "Period Mode". At minimum, make the default "blank" so we know to update it. Currently, it looks like correct values are set after the template is created, and most techs only pay attention to the fields that are blank ("Employee" and "Location").
Allow ALL options of schedules to be set from the "Make Recurring" button on invoices. We'd like to not have to set half of the options on the popup, and then the other half once the schedule template is created. Can we just make it all in the first popup?
Add the ability to sort recurring schedules by "Date Created". We'd like to be able to quickly check newely created schedules to make sure everything is setup properly before the first run.
Enable the ability to VERIFY credit card credentials upon storing a credit card. Right now Stored Credit Cards only checks that the length of the card is 15/16 digits, but doesn't validate the card number, exp date or CVV is correct. Right now, you can literally enter in "4444333322221111" as a CC number, and it will add!? This requires us to run test transactions to ensure the first recurring invoice runs though.
More to come...
Tim Nyberg commented
Better control on how they are listed so we can choose how to sort them. Looking at one big list just isn't manageable. Better notification to the client when a bill is coming due and a receipt when the CC or payment is processed all automatically, with options of when to send such as number of days before or after transaction.