Have "If Then conditions" on ticket worksheets
It would be nice to have a flow to the ticket worksheets where we can have fields conditionally popup. For instance, if there was a drop down field that asked "Laptop or Desktop" depending on which one you pick it would populate more fields below. This is extremely useful for checklists that have the same core fields, but need a few different ones depending on certain scenario's.
When computers come into my shop regardless of what it's for they get cleaned. So if I were to use the ticket worksheet as a checklist for what to clean I'd naturally have one for desktop and laptop because they have different parts. However if the computer comes in for a virus removal or tune up, no matter what type of computer we do the same steps, until it comes to the physical cleaning. It seems like a lot of work to create a Custom Field for "Laptop Virus Removal" and "Desktop Virus Removal" just because the cleanup process is different.
Tim commented
I would also love to see this implemented
Seby Bell commented
Definitely seconding this one. The ability to have variable fields would be very useful in decluttering the worksheets.