Contract enahncement to show customer managed services value
It would be great if you could enter a discount percentage rather than just a dollar amount on contract. Then this can flow through like a discount and show the customer how much money they saved each month.
Barry Abrams commented
I feel it’s a very important value proposition for the customer to see his savings for being a valuable MSP customer. Please add the ability to show on invoice the savings for current invoice and year to dat savings should also be an option
Bryan K commented
I would also like to see this as an option in the contract. We offer a % discount to customers on a recurring monthly plan and would like to be able to show them their savings on an individual invoice level as well as over the length of the contract time. Adding the ability to have the option of contract discount similar to the inventory items where you have the option of a fixed or % discount would be great. Maybe then have a variable that can be displayed on the invoice for {{contract_amount_saved}} or something like that.