Developer Access, Programmer access mode
it would be nice to have a security group for a developer/programmer. I didn't see a way to build this with with is present.
It would be nice to allow a programmer or Developer access to template, API info, html info, templates, web portal setup and so one without any access to client data, other then maybe some sample data for testing.
We would like to hire a developer to make some changes to our templates and such..but need some control to do that in the future.
Also, some way to backup all that data and restore it. I see a set back to default box but being able to use the Dropbox integration to save all the html tweaks and other settings so if the Developer had a problem we could "rewind" to the last know working state or be able to choose a saved set of settings.

Tim Nyberg commented
This is a bit different but I think having a special account/group for outside accounting help would also be great. an account setup by default with access to the stuff accounting people might need, invoices, billing, recurring invoices, sales tax report etc. It would be nice if accounting folks had this access without being a global admin.