This really helps to know how our marketing is working.
Once a customer comes in for service - lets say from a google search, after the service is performed we should be able to change that customer to a different REFERRAL SOURCE - because now they are an existing customer - we have earned their business and they become an existing customer rather than another google search the next time they come in - not very helpful in deciding on advertising budget.
It seems like when I change their REFERRAL SOURCE it changes all the reports.
Am I mistaken or is this an issue??

Bart - I would like to see something like this too - but not just to change it to existing afterwards, because it's nice to understand lifetime value of a client from each source. I would propose we have a filter on the referral report that can simply choose a range for customer creation date, so we can figure out where new customers are coming from, how much they are spending, etc, vs. them being with us for a long time too. It's basically the same as your proposal, but another way to get there. I've been asking about this for years and need this badly. I have to keep seperate spreadsheets for test / measure purposes for marketing, and this is not the way to run a business!
texpertLLC commented
Jennifer - TEXPERT, Owensboro, KY
I agree with Ryan if the referral report could be run on all new customers that would be excellent! As of right now I have to go in and check to see if they have had a previous service. This is time consuming, PLEASE, review to make the Referral Report as valuable as it should be to businesses that are paying/or managing their referrals.
Ken Peddie commented
i cant believe this isnt a thing already! A shocking oversight, how am i supposed to track return custom easily. Easy way to do it would be to move the referral source into the ticket. First ticket you create for a customer goes as say "google" any return visits it automatically gets filled as "existing customer". This has to be addressed else I may just move away from repairshopr as its such a stupid thing not to be doing.
Help@TW commented
Seems like an oversight, should definitely be looked in to.
Bart - Funny you posted this, I E-mailed support about this exact same issue this week. @Ryan, your solution is exactly what I proposed, have another filter for the report, or a new report showing only customers who's account was created in the last X days. The referral report is great because it can show the lifetime value of an advertising method, but is skews my ROI calculations for advertising methods on a monthly basis. I'm a big believer in understanding how well my marketing dollars are working, and the current referral report is great, but doesn't take into account that once I've gotten a customer, they should be "existing," and stop tallying up values for Google, yelp, facebook, sign, etc.
Please see if this minor tweak to the report, or a secondary report based upon your initial referral report can be created. Shouldn't be too bad to implement I hope.
Same report, but with the condition, "where customer_creation_date >= today - X", and allow another seperate date range. I'd probably want to go back 60 days for creation date but only run the report for the past 30 days, or current month.
Ryan (CTO, Pinellas Computers) commented
@Bart - I think that would take extra time and become a manual task for EVERY returning customer. But I like the analytics you're suggesting. Maybe come at it from a different angle...
What do you think about the idea of making an option on the "Referral Report" to show only "new customers from the last xx days"? Then you could run numbers on newely obtained clients vs all clients you've serviced in that date range. Would that work?