support multiple credit card processors (allow slow move to Mercury)
With the release of Mercury payments, Many are interested in switching. The problem is from what I've been told from support, there is no way to enable Mercury, while keeping your current processor working (Stripe in our case). If this was possible, we'd be able to slowly move over to Mercury, adding any new cards to that, while having the previously cards stored in stripe continue to process until we are able to update that client.
With so many credit cards stored for recurring billing, It would be impossible to turn off Stripe and turn on Mercury. As we'd need to get every customer's credit card again, overnight.
I understand there is no easy way to migrate credit card info from Stripe into Mercury. But is there any recommended "migration" path to the new processor? It would be nice if there was a dropdown menu, or check box when taking in a credit card to indicate which processor you want to store it in. In the customers account, some sort of indicator would be needed to show which processor has the card stored.
If this isn't possible, I'm not sure how many of us will be able to move to Mercury and take advantage of better rates and stronger encryption.