Add ticket url, ticket number or customer profile url to Marketr
When a customer replies to the generic Marketr email there is no way to know what they are referencing without opening RepairShopr, then the customers profile and the ticket or invoice. In fact, in some cases as with corporate contracts where they have had more than one ticket within a couple or a few days, it's completely impossible to know why the email is about.
As an exaple, we received an email a couple weeks ago from a customer whom brought us several phones, tablets and a laptop with a touch screen.
In his reply to Marketr, he said that everything was great and he was very happy but he noticed that there was a small line down the screen that didn't respond to touch.
We had no idea more any means to determine what tiket and device he was referring to.
Now given that Marketr is supposed to emulate a follow up from a live person whom has just reviewed their ticket and is emailing to follow up, we look pretty foolish asking him what device it is that he's having problems with.
If at all possible, it would be awfully helpful if there were a link in the outgoing email from Marketr.
We just noticed that it has been a couple weeks since we closed your "ticket{hyperlink}".... blah blah blah....
Even a ticket number would be at least something.
tom commented