Domo Integration
Domo is no longer available to new accounts nor do we support it any longer. This article is strictly for those who signed up for it in the past. We encourage all others to use RepairShopr's built-in Reporting module, which is included with every RepairShopr subscription.
We received great report improvement suggestions ideas for a long time and found the perfect integration to make it all come to life. has a super-powerful reporting and analytics platform that was only possible to make affordable because of our scale.
What it Does
- Gives us the ability to quickly generate reports and tables with powerful data tools and great looking charts
- Lets us take feature requests from users about reports
- Provide you overview reports with drill-downs, filters, and exports
- Allows powerful visualization of your business performance in many new ways
What it Doesn't Do
It won't be a full replacement of our reports module for a few reasons:
- The data is slightly delayed (usually an hour or less)
- Some reports require special tech on our end so things like maps, z-reports, and others will always have a special home in the main app
Tell Me More
Base licenses for Domo and similar analytics platforms typically start at $300 / month and up. However, Domo understood that we serve small and medium-sized businesses that wouldn't otherwise have access to these kinds of tools. Based on our growing base of 1,500+ businesses we've arranged for amazing rates on this.
We are not generating revenue on this, we're simply offering this at a cost to benefit our users.
Pricing is currently:
- Starter - $10.00 / month
- Repair Shop - $20.00 / month
- Big Chain - $35.00 / month
Where to Start
When you log in to Domo (make sure the email address is all lowercase or you will get an error), you will see pages of summary numbers, charts and graphs, and a data quality review page.
Start with the data quality review. It will give you an idea of how much data you have been collecting.
It's actually possible to use a single login, use only manual products on invoices, and then you will have very bad quality data on what user is selling what, which products are best sellers, etc, etc.
We try to show you what areas you are using, and what areas you might want to use more.
If you want to see employee performance, try to use the ticket time tracking and ticket charges when you are building up invoices.
Try to use products for all invoice line items, and set the cost as accurate as you are able on your products.
How to Login
Head to the App Center, and if Domo is available to you it will show up in the list of apps. Click the app card, and maybe start with a trial.

Once you click Start Trial, there will be a login link. You can save that URL in your favorites if you want.
On the next screen, always use "Single Sign-On"

Then you can just use your regular username and password that you use to sign into the system:

That's It! You are ready to go.
You can also get the Domo app for iPhone to get access to your stats wherever you are:
Use "repairshopr-ss" in the URL when logging in to the app.
As of Feb 23, 2021, we are currently not developing new reports or revising existing ones.
As of Feb 23, 2021, we are currently not developing new reports or revising existing ones.