POS (Point of Sale) System
The POS in our software allows you to make super fast transactions where you don't need to setup a customer or a ticket. You can just scan barcodes and swipe their credit card to take payment—very quick and easy.
What it Does
- Allows quick transactions in a touch screen friendly manner
- Barcode scanning support for super fast transactions
- Category drill buttons to make it simple to drill down into a category from a touch screen
- Optional - "Registers" can be defined to track cash drawers, open the drawer, run z-reports, etc
Table of Contents
Scan items
Cash Registers
First, you will need to enable the module.
- Head to More > Admin > POS - Preferences.
- Turn on Enable POS Module.
- Click Save.
See POS Settings for information on other settings.
Next, go to the POS tab.
Scan items
Easily scan items with a bar code scanner in to the "Scan a barcode" field for fast item entry.
Note: Serialized items won't show up as touch buttons on the main page, page 2, or page 3. To add a serialized item to a transaction, you'll need to use one of the following methods:
- Scan or type the UPC
- Add the item manually from the Forms tab
- Select the item by navigating to the proper category in the Categories tab
The POS module allows for a few different ways to add items to the transaction.
Touch friendly way of selecting inventory. You are able to modify the order in which they are shown on the screen by entering a “Sort Order” number in the item’s detail screen in the Inventory Tab.
Allows you to add a manual item or to search the inventory using the search tool.
Allows you to search for items using the Inventory Categories created in the Inventory Settings via the Admin Tab.
Switch User/ Lock the POS
Add or Change the Customer on the transaction
Change Register - Close the Register Out - Pop the Drawer
Adjustments allow you to Withdraw funds or make deposits to the register.

Red Clear Button
Remove any items that have been added to the current transaction.
Cash Registers
Head to More > Admin > POS - Cash Registers to setup registers. These can be assigned a location, a receipt printer, or a WorldPay credit card terminal.
If your shop wants to use cash registers (the physical drawers/etc) using this feature might help you keep your drawer counts and related.
Just create a Register, give it a name. Now when you do a financial transaction the system will ask you which register you are using. The register will be remembered per workstation for ease of use.
At the end of the day, just "close" the register - performing a drawer count, and you'll get a nice end of day report!