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Minimum Ticket Charges

Minimum Ticket Charges

This feature expands previous functionality, allowing you to set a minimum and an incremental value per Labor Type. We are retiring the legacy Labor Rounding feature and introducing a new settings page which allows you to set the Minimum and Incremental values to a number of minutes of your choosing. These Minimums and Increments are then used in the Ticket Timer/Labor Log to automatically round the billable time based on the values you’ve selected so that your technicians don’t have to remember the timing for each Labor Type.

Table of Contents

Minimum Ticket Charges
Legacy Rounding Feature Retiring
Labor Time Requirements Settings Page
Adding Labor Rates
Deleting Labor Rates
Enabling Minimum Time Entry and Minimum Increments
Labor Log Changes
Decimal Place System

Legacy Rounding Feature Retiring

Previous to the introduction of this feature, there was a setting in the Ticket Preferences section called “Ticket Timer - Round UP to number of minutes” where you could choose from one of four options of time. We have received feedback from partners that they wanted more freedom to choose time that worked for their MSP offerings and to not have it blanket cover all of their Labor Rates.

The legacy rounding feature is being retired with this update. In order to ensure you do not lose any functionality during the release, we are migrating the rounding value you had selected to all of the Labor Types on the new settings page.

Note: If you were not using the Rounding Feature, then we are not migrating any values to the new Settings page.

Labor Time Requirements Settings Page

To access this page, start by navigating to the Admin Tab. Next, scroll down to the Tickets Section in the left menu bar. There will be a new selection called “Labor Time Requirements” to choose.

If you were using the legacy Round feature mentioned above, then you will see that the page already has your Labor Types populated with the value you had selected from the legacy rounding feature. This was done to ensure that there is no down time between the sunsetting of that feature and the introduction of the new one. You can feel free to edit or remove these as you see fit.

Adding Labor Rates

To add a Labor Rate to the Settings page, click the drop down in the lower left corner, choose the Labor Type and click the Add button.

Deleting Labor Rates

To remove a Labor Rate from the page, click the Red Delete button

Enabling Minimum Time Entry and Minimum Increments

To enable Minimums and Increments for each Labor Type, you need to check the box on the left of each selection. You can choose to have one or both options enabled per Labor Type.

Labor Log Changes

The Labor Log on Tickets has had a new column added and the Minutes column updated to “Billable Time” on the overview.

Actual Time: The time entered by the technician. This represents the time spent doing the task. This field is not editable.

Billable Time: This is the calculated time using the Minimum and Incremental Time set per Rate on the Labor Time Requirements page.

  • If you aren’t using a Minimum or Incremental value, the Actual Time will be used when calculating charged Timer Entries when they are added to the Add/View Ticket Charges.

  • You can edit and override the calculated value for Billable Time from within the Labor Log

Decimal Place System

With the Minimum Ticket Charges Update, we have made changes to the number of decimal places the system supports in the Quantity field. The use of four decimal places is most likely to appear when using the Ticket Timer to track time now that you can control both an incremental and minimum value.

We support up to four decimal places in the Quantity fields.

  • Subtotals, Taxes, and Totals will continue to be rounded to two decimal places just like before, but the rounding will take into account the additional decimal places.

  • Communications and PDFs that go out to customers will also be kept to two decimal places to minimize any confusion to your customers.

  • The Quickbooks and Xero integrations also support up to four decimal places and will continue to sync as they have before but will now also include the increased decimal places when used.

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