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Flowroute Integration

Flowroute is a leading VoIP trunking/sms/sip provider for those running a VoIP phone system that can do sip/etc - and now has a good api that allows them to be a reasonable sms on demand service.

Most people using Flowroute probably use them for SIP trunking, like in a FreePBX or similar type of phone system setup - we won't get into that at all here.

What it Does

  • Allow you to port your phone or buy a new phone number (DID) at Flowroute to use for inbound and outbound SMS from our application
  • New blind inbound SMS to this number will flow into Leads (awesome!)

What it Doesn't Do

  • It doesn't tie into our "caller id" integration



First head to the App Center in the application and find Flowroute:

It tells you to enter your DID - use the format like "12065551212" per the placeholder text.

You need to go to your Flowroute account and get your API credentials here:

Copy the Access key and Secret key into the corresponding fields.

Make sure to add the callback address for your account to Flowroute so it could forward the messages.  That address is https://<YourSubDomain>


Once you enter those fields in the program it should look like this:

That's it! Now when you send SMS out of the application it'll use your account, won't hit any limits, and send to/from the correct phone number.

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