Due Date emails
Hidden AUDIT page and corresponding REPORT for global admins to review DELETIONS
Worksheet Table · under review
Open API access · completed
Ticket automations based on comments/ keywords, not ticket subject!
Template Tags only load when data is provided.
Vendor access/Dispatch
Kiosk / Self service doesn't change with region settings (spanish)
Double click blank space on Calendar to initiate a new ticket setup which will...
Update Ticket Note - Change Status To Private
Close Register - Print Button Clears Form · completed
Invoice only · already works
reporting · under review
Copy or clone customer data (and assets, etc) from RepairShopr to SyncroMSP · declined
Develop a custom report builder
Update the video on importing customer data/info to match the current website.
what is QuickBooks Tool hub
Ticket Automation Outside Business Hours
More data fields in products
Allow sku or carton quantities on purchase orders