Custom email sender for each module (Service, Invoice, Estimates)
Customer Purchase Delay
Complete Dropbox Sync
Allow sku or carton quantities on purchase orders
Emails based on templates should display the whole email not just custom text input
Create new customers with HTTP web submission form · already works
Provide the option on the Invoice Payment Form to use the Stored Credit Card Details · completed
Enable FULL customisation of repairshopr by fully integrating custom fields by ID number.
Show Cost Price for Estimates and Invoices · completed
Improvements to the 3rd Party Part Order Module
Ability to supply per_page parameter on API endpoints
Column for "Tech Paid" on Invoices · under review
File Attachments load in full on every ticket refresh
Add Supplier Ratios to Inventory
Do not pre-fill the note field / timer field on a ticket. It leads to wrong data entries and confuses the user as to why content is in there
Required Customer Fields Small Tweak · under review
Tech Hours Report - Viewable by Techs
Add "enable notification" option for individual tickets
Track purchased items like computers, tablets, cell phones etc. · completed
Please Change How Multi Store Locations are Displayed on the Admin page